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To compare the efficiency of three systems to evaluate the suitability of Gypsiferous land for irrigated agriculture, an area of 8885.4 hectares was selected in the Tharthar region – Iraq within the Euphrates terrace, which formed at Pleistocene period and mainly consisted of gypsum, the study included a semi-detailed survey of the area's soil using the Free-lance method, by selecting three parallel transects, according to the variations in texture class, soil salinity and content of gypsum, five representative pedons locations were identified and morphologically described, also soil samples from each horizon were obtained, as well as we obtained water samples from the Euphrates river-Tharthar canal and every wells located in the study area, it's transferred to the laboratory and the required analyzes were performed. The result showed the predominance of the medium soil texture class and slightly saline soil class (S1) in the study area, with a decrease in the soil carbonate content, on the contrary the soil gypsum content was increased. All wall waters was salinity, which poses a danger to agricultural use, compared to the water of the Euphrates river. A discrepancy was observed between the obtained land suitability classes. While the Sys and Verheye, 1972 system showed two poor suitability classes, Sys et al. 1991 and Al-Baji et al. 2010 has improved the appropriateness of the varieties, but the Kadhim, 2012 system was the best in terms of application in order to include the quality of irrigation water within the classification, so its results were more close to the reality diagnosed during the field visits to the study area and the questionnaire from the land users of the region
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- Abd El-Aziz, S. H., (2018). Soil capability and suitability assessment of Tushka area, Egypt by using different programs (ASLE, MICROLEIS and modified STORIE INDEX). Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA) 2(2), 09-15.
- Al-Agidi, W. K., (1981). Proposed soil classification at the series level for Iraqi soils: II-zonal soils, Baghdad University Technical Bulletin No. 2. (C.F)
- Abd-alhameed, F., & Meklef, A. A. (2023). Soil characterization and classification of the area between Wadi al-Marj and Wadi al Muhammadi within the Western Desert of Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Desert Studies, 13(1), 1-15.
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- Al-Bayati, A. H. I., & Al-Azzawi, H. H. F., (2017). The effect of the physiographic location on the suitability of the land for cotton cultivation in some agricultural projects within the Iraqi alluvial plain. Anbar Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(2), 317-333.
- Al-Bayati, A. H. I., Alalwany A. K. M., & Abdal-Mnam M. H., (2021). Pedogenical distribution of some micronutrients in prevailing sub great soil group in Iraq. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Science, 34(2), 253-266.
- Al-Dabbas, M.A., Schanz, T., & Yassen M. J., 2010. Comparison of gypsiferous soils in Samarra and Karbala areas, Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 6(2), 115-126.
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- Aldabaa, A.A., Zhang, H., A. Shata, A.S. El-Sawey, Abdel-Hameed, A. & J.L., Schroder, (2010). Land Suitability Classification of a Desert Area in Egypt for Some Crops Using Microleis Program. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environment Science, 8(1), 80-94.
- Al-Helou, H. A.A., & Jubier, A, R. (2023). Evaluation and Determination of the Best Irrigation Methods Suitable for the Agricultural Lands of Abu Gharq in Babylon. IOP Conf. Series, Earth and Environmental Science, 1213, 4th International Agricultural Conference (IAC-2023) 10/01/2023 - 11/01/2023 Mosul, Iraq.
- Al-Jaberi, A. J. M., & Al-Atab, S. M. S., (2020). Assessment of land suitability for agricultural purposes using Remote sensing and GIS of Al Salam district-IRAQ. Plant Archives, 20(Suppl. 1), 357-361.
- Al-Zubaidi, A. H., & Pagel, H., (1974). Chemical characteristics of some Iraqi soils. Tropische Lardwirtschaft and Veterinarmedizin, 12, 229-320. (Cited from Awad, K. M., & Hammadi, M. S. (2006).
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- Ayers, R. S., & Westcot, D. W. (1994). FAO Irrigation and drainage paper No. 29 Rev. 1, M-56.
- Baritz, R., Wiese, L., Verbeke, I., & Vargas, R. (2018). Voluntary guidelines for sustainable soil management: Global action for healthy soils. Pp. 17-36. In Ginzky, H., Dooley, E., Heuser, I., Kasimbazi, E., Markus, T., Qin, T. (Editors). Inter-national Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy. Springer, Cham.
- De la Rosa, D., Mayol, F., Diaz-Pereira, E., Fernandez, M. & De la Rosa, D. J. (2004). A land evaluation decision support system (MicroLEIS DSS) for agricultural soil protection. Environmental Modeling and Software, 19, 929-942.
- Ismail, H. A., Morsy, I. M., El-Zahaby, E. M., & El-Nagar, F. S. (2001). A developed expert system for land use planting by coupling and modeling. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 141-154. (Cited from Rashed, H. S. A., & Hassan, F. O., 2019).
- Jabbar, S. A., & Al-Bayati A. H. I., (2022). Studying the quality of irrigation water and assessments its suitability for agricultural purposes in the agricultural districts within the left side of the Euphrates River from Ramadi to Habbaniyah City at Anbar Province. 1st Samarra International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (SICPS2021), AIP Conf. Proc. 2394, 040048-1–040048-13.
- Mohamed Kadhim, R. J., (2012). Proposing a new equation for evaluating and classifying Iraqi lands for irrigation purposes. Dhi Qar Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(2), 107-123.
- Muhaimeed, A. S., Al Kassab, N. F. A., & Al Kassey, K. A., (2016). Temporal changes of land suitability data for wheat cultivation in irrigated regions- middle of Iraq. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 47(1), 311-317.
- Page, A. L., Miller, R. H., & Kenney, D. R. (1982). Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2. 2nd ed. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. American Society of Agronomy.Madison, 1159pp.
- Rashad, I. F. (2017). Modified land suitability evaluation model for irrigated agriculture. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 95(1), 1-22.
- Rashed, H. S. A., & Hassan, F. O. (2019). Evaluation of land capability and suitability crop production: Case study in Halaib and Shalatien Region, South East Desert of Egypt. Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering, Mansoura Univ., 10(12). 759-769.
- Saleh, S. M., Sultan S. M., & Dheyab, A. H. (2019). Study of morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of salt affected soils using remote sensing technologies at Basrah Province. Basrah Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 32(Spec. Issue, 2), 105-125.
- Soil Survey Staff, (2002). Field book for description and sampling soils version 2. National soil survey center, natural resources conservation service, USDA.
- Soil Survey Staff, (2014). Keys to soil taxonomy. NRSC, Twelve edition, USDA.
- Sys, C., & Verheye, W. (1972). Principles of land classification in arid and semiarid regions. I.T.C., Ghent, Belgium. (Cited from Rashad, I. F. (2017).
- Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., & Debaveye, J. (1991). Land Evaluation, part 11: Methods in Land Evaluation. ITC, University of Ghent, Belgium, 247pp. General Administration for Development Cooperation, Agric. Publ. No. 7, Brussels, 247pp.
- Vincent, S., Lemercier, B., Berthier, L., & Walter, C. (2018). Spatial disaggregation of complex soil map units at the regional scale based on soil-landscape relationships. Geoderma, 311, 130-142.
Abd El-Aziz, S. H., (2018). Soil capability and suitability assessment of Tushka area, Egypt by using different programs (ASLE, MICROLEIS and modified STORIE INDEX). Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA) 2(2), 09-15.
Al-Agidi, W. K., (1981). Proposed soil classification at the series level for Iraqi soils: II-zonal soils, Baghdad University Technical Bulletin No. 2. (C.F)
Abd-alhameed, F., & Meklef, A. A. (2023). Soil characterization and classification of the area between Wadi al-Marj and Wadi al Muhammadi within the Western Desert of Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Desert Studies, 13(1), 1-15.
Al-Ani, H. A. A., (2002). Comparison of methods for evaluating lands with varied gypsum content for the purposes of irrigated agriculture in Salah al-Din Governorate. M. Sc. Thesis, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad. 159pp. (In Arabic).
Albaji, M., Shahnazari, A., Behzad, M., Naseri A. A., Boroom, S., & Golabi, N. M., (2010). Comparison of different irrigation methods based on the parametric evaluation approach in Dosalegh plain: Iran. Agricultural water Management, 97(7), 1093-1098.
Al-Bayati, A. H. I., & Al-Azzawi, H. H. F., (2017). The effect of the physiographic location on the suitability of the land for cotton cultivation in some agricultural projects within the Iraqi alluvial plain. Anbar Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(2), 317-333.
Al-Bayati, A. H. I., Alalwany A. K. M., & Abdal-Mnam M. H., (2021). Pedogenical distribution of some micronutrients in prevailing sub great soil group in Iraq. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Science, 34(2), 253-266.
Al-Dabbas, M.A., Schanz, T., & Yassen M. J., 2010. Comparison of gypsiferous soils in Samarra and Karbala areas, Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 6(2), 115-126.
Al Dulaimi, Q. K. K., Al-Bayati1 A. H. I., & Al-Alwany A. K. A. M. (2020). Evaluation of the suitability of Zakhekha region lands (West of Al-Anbar governorate) for cultivation of the irrigated sesame crop using geo spatial technique. Plant Archives, 20(2), 8735-8744.
Aldabaa, A.A., Zhang, H., A. Shata, A.S. El-Sawey, Abdel-Hameed, A. & J.L., Schroder, (2010). Land Suitability Classification of a Desert Area in Egypt for Some Crops Using Microleis Program. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environment Science, 8(1), 80-94.
Al-Helou, H. A.A., & Jubier, A, R. (2023). Evaluation and Determination of the Best Irrigation Methods Suitable for the Agricultural Lands of Abu Gharq in Babylon. IOP Conf. Series, Earth and Environmental Science, 1213, 4th International Agricultural Conference (IAC-2023) 10/01/2023 - 11/01/2023 Mosul, Iraq.
Al-Jaberi, A. J. M., & Al-Atab, S. M. S., (2020). Assessment of land suitability for agricultural purposes using Remote sensing and GIS of Al Salam district-IRAQ. Plant Archives, 20(Suppl. 1), 357-361.,%20SUPP-1,2020.html
Al-Zubaidi, A. H., & Pagel, H., (1974). Chemical characteristics of some Iraqi soils. Tropische Lardwirtschaft and Veterinarmedizin, 12, 229-320. (Cited from Awad, K. M., & Hammadi, M. S. (2006).
Awad, K. M., & Hammadi, M. S. (2006). Potassium supplying power in marshes soils and sediments. Basrah Journal of Agriculture Science, 19(2), 187-196.
Ayers, R. S., & Westcot, D. W. (1994). FAO Irrigation and drainage paper No. 29 Rev. 1, M-56.
Baritz, R., Wiese, L., Verbeke, I., & Vargas, R. (2018). Voluntary guidelines for sustainable soil management: Global action for healthy soils. Pp. 17-36. In Ginzky, H., Dooley, E., Heuser, I., Kasimbazi, E., Markus, T., Qin, T. (Editors). Inter-national Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy. Springer, Cham.
De la Rosa, D., Mayol, F., Diaz-Pereira, E., Fernandez, M. & De la Rosa, D. J. (2004). A land evaluation decision support system (MicroLEIS DSS) for agricultural soil protection. Environmental Modeling and Software, 19, 929-942.
Ismail, H. A., Morsy, I. M., El-Zahaby, E. M., & El-Nagar, F. S. (2001). A developed expert system for land use planting by coupling and modeling. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 141-154. (Cited from Rashed, H. S. A., & Hassan, F. O., 2019).
Jabbar, S. A., & Al-Bayati A. H. I., (2022). Studying the quality of irrigation water and assessments its suitability for agricultural purposes in the agricultural districts within the left side of the Euphrates River from Ramadi to Habbaniyah City at Anbar Province. 1st Samarra International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (SICPS2021), AIP Conf. Proc. 2394, 040048-1–040048-13.
Mohamed Kadhim, R. J., (2012). Proposing a new equation for evaluating and classifying Iraqi lands for irrigation purposes. Dhi Qar Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(2), 107-123.
Muhaimeed, A. S., Al Kassab, N. F. A., & Al Kassey, K. A., (2016). Temporal changes of land suitability data for wheat cultivation in irrigated regions- middle of Iraq. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 47(1), 311-317.
Page, A. L., Miller, R. H., & Kenney, D. R. (1982). Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2. 2nd ed. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. American Society of Agronomy.Madison, 1159pp.
Rashad, I. F. (2017). Modified land suitability evaluation model for irrigated agriculture. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 95(1), 1-22.
Rashed, H. S. A., & Hassan, F. O. (2019). Evaluation of land capability and suitability crop production: Case study in Halaib and Shalatien Region, South East Desert of Egypt. Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering, Mansoura Univ., 10(12). 759-769.
Saleh, S. M., Sultan S. M., & Dheyab, A. H. (2019). Study of morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of salt affected soils using remote sensing technologies at Basrah Province. Basrah Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 32(Spec. Issue, 2), 105-125.
Soil Survey Staff, (2002). Field book for description and sampling soils version 2. National soil survey center, natural resources conservation service, USDA.
Soil Survey Staff, (2014). Keys to soil taxonomy. NRSC, Twelve edition, USDA.
Sys, C., & Verheye, W. (1972). Principles of land classification in arid and semiarid regions. I.T.C., Ghent, Belgium. (Cited from Rashad, I. F. (2017).
Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., & Debaveye, J. (1991). Land Evaluation, part 11: Methods in Land Evaluation. ITC, University of Ghent, Belgium, 247pp. General Administration for Development Cooperation, Agric. Publ. No. 7, Brussels, 247pp.
Vincent, S., Lemercier, B., Berthier, L., & Walter, C. (2018). Spatial disaggregation of complex soil map units at the regional scale based on soil-landscape relationships. Geoderma, 311, 130-142.